At Lion's Share FCU, you can have multiple savings accounts under one base account number. With payroll deduction (from Ahold/Delhaize), direct deposit (from any company), or electronic transfers (from other financial institutions) you can have your money put into all of your savings accounts.
Your accounts can be for anything you need to save for. Here are a few examples:
- Taxes
- Vacation
- Birthdays
- Vehicle Down Payment
- Emergencies
- Engagement Ring
If you don't already have emergency savings, this should be the first additional savings account you open.
Emergency Savings
Why should you save for emergencies?
- Replace Tires
- Replace a broken Washer/Dryer/Stove/Hot Water Heater
- Job Loss
- Medical Expenses
- Temporarily Out of Work
63% of Americans have less than $500 in an emergency savings account. That means if the brakes on their vehicle went out, they couldn't afford to have them replaced without getting a loan or a using credit card.
Emergency savings accounts start small. $20 a week, $25 per paycheck, whatever amount you can put into an account and not take out before the end of the month.
Start your emergency savings account today so that when an emergency arises - and there will be one - you'll be prepared.
Savings Accounts
Rates Effective November 8, 2024Savings | Dividend Rate | APY | Term & Min. Req. to Earn Dividends |
Share Savings Account Dividends Paid Quarterly | 0.35 | 0.35 | No Term, $25 Required Dividends paid on avg. daily bal. |
Money Market Shares $500 Min. Bal. Req., Dividends Paid Monthly | Balance $500 - $9,999.00 1.50 | 1.51 | Term = 1 Mo., $500.00 Min. Req. Dividends paid monthly on avg. daily bal. |
Balance $10,000 - $99,000 1.75 | 1.76 | ||
Balance $100,000 & Above 2.00 | 2.02 | ||
Christmas Club Account Dividends Paid Monthly | 0.20 | 0.20 | Term = 1 Mo., No Min. Req. Dividends paid on avg daily bal. |
APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates are subject to change daily and without notice. Dividends are paid on the last day of the dividend period. |